Keep climbing; it’s not the mountains we conquer but ourselves.If you are actually out to make money online, then without any doubt I believe our discussion last week got you thinking, though we are yet to do any in-depth
discussion of the topic. This week, I would want us to go beyond the surface as we consider the topic ” YOUR PASSWORD TO MAKING MONEY ONLINE.”
The Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary defines password as “a secret word or phrase that you need to know in order to be allowed into a place. For the sake of
this write up, we shall define password as “the secret key (the mind) needed by a person to access or unlock the hidden treasures of the internet”.
Just before we continue, I want us to take a closer look at the topic itself. Why do I have it as “your password to making money online”? Why not “the password
…”? This is so because I want you to understand that it takes you and you alone to get to know it as well as to use it, if you are to make any headway online. No
one will do this for you.
Just like it takes our different usernames and passwords for us to gain access into pass worded sites or pages, so also it takes our individual unique passwords
(our minds) to access our online treasures. This is where majority seems to miss out. They start getting it wrong right from the very start.
I want to put it clear to you, that what you need to make it on the internet is not far from you. Your password, the secret key, your very entry point to making
money online is nothing but that little MIND of yours. Your mind is your number 1 asset, every other thing follows after it.
Just about anybody can make a good income from the internet, but before they can achieve that they have to put first things first. This whole thing might not
sound new to you but there is a serious need for us to go back to our drawing boards, our individual minds, for this is where all true success and achievements
Buy all the ideas, products, latest e-books and what have you, if your mindset is not right, you will be far from making money online. The internet marketers will
not stop promoting and selling there products or systems, they have got to keep making money. The fact that you bought into it, and you have not made any
headway with it does not mean that the system is not working. You may just be the problem.
Friend, I do not intend to scare you, just felt you should know so as to help increase the possibility of your online success. I will be sharing more on the mind
next week. Until then do stay motivated.
Yours to serve,