Tuesday 31 July 2012

Education minister advises graduates to seek self employment

The education minister, Ruqayyatu Ahmed-Rufai, has urged fresh graduates not to depend on white collar jobs after leaving
school, saying government alone could not meet the challenges of unemployment in the country.
Mrs. Ahmed-Rufai, who gave the advice at the weekend at the 31st convocation ceremony of the Adeyemi College of Education,
Ondo, said few vacancies that existed in the civil service could not meet the demands of thousands of fresh graduates searching
for gainful employment.


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Monday 30 July 2012

Listening to Your Guiding Whispers

Listening to Your Guiding Whispers

You can build great wisdom and genius by spending time each day in
grateful communion with your inner voice.

What better way of creating a more fulfilling life than by mastering the art of
tuning into your most inspired and ingenious self, your inner voice? This
voice is your guide of all guides to a life of greatness. You cannot attune to

Wednesday 25 July 2012

maintaining a web site, having a blog

If you are already maintaining a web site, having a blog can add to, or enhance, your existing web presence. The ability to provide your customers, and readers, with fresh content on a daily, or weekly basis can keep your business running even during lean months. Blogging is also a great way for small business owners, with little web design knowledge, and small budgets to establish a professional, attractive, web presence. Many designers charge much less for a completely customized blog design and installation than they would charge for complete, traditional, html or flash website design.

Monday 23 July 2012

Running your own business

Running your own business can often lead to problems like not having enough clients to stay
afloat. This can lead to stress and worries about finances and the chances of surviving another
year without going into debt. If you are currently in such a position then it may be a good idea
for you to read about the Law of Attraction and how it can help you to shift your position to a
better one.
The first thing to do is the stop worrying. Yes, you have probably heard of it many times. People
are always saying that you should not worry but worry seems to find you on its own. The thing is
that worry is not going to bring you what you need. What you need to do is focus on what you
want rather than worry about is not being with you already. You must keep yourself open to
receiving what you want. Thinking negatively closes the doors and brings in more negativity. So
if you keep worrying about not having enough clients you will lose more clients. Instead be
happy with the ones you have and stay positive that you will have more clients soon, without
any doubt.
Sometimes people are not clear on what they really want. For example, if you are worrying you
do not have enough clients then do you want more clients or are clients merely a bridge to what
you really want, like money for instance. Your conscious and unconscious minds work
differently. The thinking mind would naturally equate more clients with more money but the
subconscious is only concerned with money. You cannot think clearly until both your minds are
working in sync.
This means that you must focus on what you really want instead of what you think will fix the
problem. Until you are completely clear in your mind what you want you will never achieve the
kind of success that makes you envious. It may be only the slightest shift in how you think and
you will be alright. The more clearly you focus on your goals consciously and subconsciously
the better you are prepared to achieve them.
You must focus on everything positive and make it a habit not to dwell on the negative. Always
keep in mind how you wish your life to be instead of complaining about how it is. The Law of
Attraction will attract whatever you focus on. Focus on the negative and you will get only
negativity. Focus on good things and good things will be attracted to you.

Often times you will be told to be practical. While this advice makes a lot of sense it is
sometimes not entirely true. The human instinct is a powerful tool. If you deeply feel that you
ought to do something then you should do it provided it is positive. Do not deprive yourself of
your instinct to prove you are practical. It is important to relax and let your thinking mind take a
break while you follow your feelings every once in a while.

Wise Time Management Tips for Work-at-Home Entrepreneurs

Time for work-at-home entrepreneurs is their single most valuable asset. Nothing can replace time…valuable, precious time!
No matter how rich or poor you are, no matter how many things are on your ‘to-do’ list, you still just get the regulation twenty-four hours each day. Sometimes I could use another twenty-four but that isn’t going to happen. I’ll bet that you could use more hours in your work day, as well.
The thing about those twenty-four allotted hours per day is that we can’t spend all of them working. We have to sleep some of them. We have to take time to eat and there is the occasional shower, too. ☺
Our families and our friends require some of our time. Relationships must be nurtured. So…we can allow ourselves just so many work hours each day. Since our working time is limited that means that we must make the very most of the hours that we work. We can’t waste time on unimportant details or on tasks that others can do.
When you shave a few minutes here and a few minutes there, you will make more efficient use of your allotted work hours. Here are a few suggestions and in the interest of saving your time (and mine), I’ll keep this brief and to the point.
• Email account efficiency: We all have various email accounts. We use one account for this and another account for that. Checking each and every email account more than once a day can be a time consuming task that you very easily make less time consuming by having all of the email that comes to all of your various email account to come into one gmail account. One email account takes
Saving Time and Money for Work at Home Entrepreneurs
Saving Time and Money for Work at Home Entrepreneurs 10
a lot less time than several and you can still maintain all of your various email addresses.
Additionally, you don’t need to spend a lot of time reading and answering emails that are not going to add to your bottom line.
Email comes in several varieties. There are emails that are business related, emails that are important but not business related and emails that are simply frivolous and time wasting. If an email has been forwarded several times, don’t waste your time.
If an email is addressed to a great many people, don’t waste any time on it either. Email can consume a lot of time. You need to filter the important from the irrelevant and only spend time on those emails that are related to your business.
• Set up time tables to help you prioritize your work day: A scheduled work day is an efficient work day. You will get a lot more done in a lot less time if you know in advance and can see at a glance what task is next on your list. I like visual aids. A time table is a visual aid. It can help you allot your time efficiently and productively!
• Focus on result producing activities: When you make your work day schedule, you need to be certain that the tasks that you schedule are the ones that will in fact make your business grow and thrive. Don’t waste your time, effort and energy on tasks that can be done by others.
Take time to investigate outsourcing. You can add hours to your day each and every day when you outsource the mundane business tasks to others.
You can outsource such tasks as bookkeeping and accounting, article/E-book writing and submission, travel and event planning and ad writing. Others can do these tasks better and more efficiently than you can and your time is better spent on growing your business, making those contacts and closing those deals!
• Shave time off of counter-productive activities: Like I said, your friends and families do required some of your time but you can also waste a whole ton of time on such unproductive activities as watching TV.
You will be really surprised at how much of your day that you waste if you keep a record of your time expenditures over the course of several days’ time.
Now don’t misunderstand me. We all need down time. We all must relax our minds as well as our bodies. We can’t be all business all the time but we can limit our unproductive or counterproductive activities.
Time is precious and time is limited. We need to make the very best use of every minute of every day that we possibly can.


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How to Be a Rich Dad

Having a rich-Dad mindset is about focusing on the financial aspects of abundant thinking, rather than just the psychological. This involves analyzing how you view certain pertinent financial questions, and swapping a scarcity or deficit thought for an abundant thought.
1. “I can’t afford” becomes “how can I afford?” when abundant thinking is applied. This is because saying you can’t do something closes down possibilities and tells the universe that this option no longer exists for you.
2. “My kids make me poor” becomes “I want to be rich for my kids” with abundant thinking. This is not focusing on the expense of having children, but on the duty to create a more secure life for them.
3. "I don’t care about money" becomes "money is power" when abundant thinking is applied. The idea that money is somehow “dirty” is exchanged for the acceptance that money allows a person to have more choices in life.
4. "Don't take financial risks" becomes "take calculated risks” with abundant thinking. This is about trying to put your money to work whilst mitigating the risks involved.
5. "Pay myself last" becomes "pay myself first" with abundant thinking. This ensures that there is finance available for investments so further returns can be possible.
6. “The state will provide for me” becomes “I take responsibility for myself” when abundant thinking is applied. This counters entitlement thinking by teaching financial self-reliance.
7. “Academic literacy is important” becomes “academic literacy and financial literacy are important” with abundant thinking. This provides a firm grounding for the real world.
8. "I work for my money" becomes "my money works for me" with abundant thinking. This is about removing yourself from the “rat race” and accepting that you are responsible for your own destiny.
9. “Making money is important” becomes “managing money is important” with abundant thinking. This concerns the ability to establish financial education that lasts a lifetime.
10. "My house is an asset" becomes "my house is a liability" when abundant thinking is applied. Although this may seem the wrong way around, this argues that anything that drains your finances is a liability, as a mortgage does.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Make Money through Coaching

A coach is one who takes their know‐how in a particular craft and sharing it with others who want to be successful in that field as well. Coaches can be experts in anything from writing to marketing to business itself.
If you have good knowledge or experience in a particular area you can become a coach quite easily and make money doing it. There are many coaches who help others in web design, graphic design and even in the coaching field as well.
A coach would offer tips and techniques to newbies within that field and answer questions throughout their learning process.
What skills are helpful?
The most important skill you should have for this type of business is the ability to be a good listener. You should also have great patience for your clients. Those who hire you to coach them want you to listen to their bad experiences and help guide them out of the muck they find themselves in no matter how strange they may sound.
To build rapport and credibility in this business, you should know your field well. If you’ve never designed a website before, then being a web designing coach would not be a good idea, because your lack of experience will be spotted right away and trust will be lost.
What Tools will be needed?
You should have the following in this kind of business:


E‐Mail program


Informative content for your site

Shopping cart feature for your site to handle payments

Telephone dedicated for business purposes
Most of your conversations with clients will probably be through your e‐mail programs, but some people may be more comfortable being able to talk to you on a more one on one basis, so a phone should be included in your list of tools
How to get started
Plan your business out. What service will you be offering that you have knowledge in? Get some articles and other written content created to place on a website to help build credibility and expert status for your business.
Explain on your site how your service works and how much your rate will be. Show some testimonials from others who have used your services before and were pleased with the results. Make your site easily navigated so others won’t get lost trying to find information about your coaching business.
Market your coaching business to get clients to come to you. Plan the goals that the client wants to achieve by using you and discuss how those goals will be obtained. Listen to their problems and questions and provide insightful answers and support to keep them moving forward to their goals.
Coaches are well sought after online for those who have good knowledge or experience in a certain area. Use what you know about a topic and provide a coaching service to others to help them become an expert like you in the same field.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Creative Imagination - The Brain's Most Powerful Ability

"To imagine is everything, to know is nothing at all."
Anatole France 1881,
The brain is in fact triune in nature.
The Reptilian brain controls our basic instincts.
Whenever we are stressed our higher thinking skills shut
down and the Reptilian brain takes over.
Its main concern is our survival.

Make Money Online with Blogs

One of my favorite ways to make money with blogging is to simply set up a blog for your
niche market. Niche marketing and blogging go hand in hand.
I’ve set up several small blogs for niches that I’m interested in and am amazed at how
simple the process is. You can set up a free blog using either wordpress.com or
Whichever of the two platforms that you select is pretty much a matter of personal
preference. I happen to like wordpress better because I like the wide range of templates
and plugins that are available to make customization a snap. With wordpress it’s also
very easy to add affiliate banners and links that immediately pulls in visitors and stirs
their interest in whatever I’m advertising.
After adding links and banners to your blog, the next step is to get some traffic. The
great thing about blogging is that traffic is drawn to blogs like a moth to a flame. Google
really seems to love blogs and will index your blogs very quickly. You can also get lots
of traffic coming to your blog by submitting it to blog directories.
To save time and effort you can go to http://www.SubmitemNow.com. This free software
works in your Mozilla Foxfire browser and submits your blog to more than 100
directories all at once.
Take advantage of these free tools that help you get more traffic. The more traffic that
you get your blog that more visitors and subscribers you’ll end up with. That translates
into more money in your pocket.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Understanding Your Customers


The inability to know your customers is the greatest loss, you, as a potential service provider can face. Since you are nothing without your customer, your first priority should be to know them and what they want and expect from your company or product.
Moreover, knowing them not only increases your chances of selling them more goods, leading to your profit, but also causing the inflow of more customers through recommendation. Hence getting to know your clients, greeting and treating them to their liking is crucial to the success of your business venture.

Self Improvement . How To Make Your Attitude Your Ally

When you figuratively look at the idea of making your attitude your ally, what you see is that it, basically, means the attitude you display is going to reflect in the path you take in life. In other words, your attitude will affect your life and it will help in determining what happens to you.
Let us break it down and look at what ‘make your attitude your ally’ really means in simple terms.
First, you have to define what an ally is. An ally is basically a path you travel down. Your attitude is the way you act, think, and treat those around you. Your attitude affects everything in your life. It greatly affects the way you think and how others treat you.
Now to make your attitude your ally would mean to let your attitude guide you. Your attitude is going to shape everything in your life. You are going to be traveling down the path which your attitude leads you.
So, the best thing to do is to adapt a positive attitude so your ally is a positive path. You have to choose to adopt a positive attitude in order to make it your ally.
Making your attitude your ally is about choosing what that ally is going to be. Is it going to be negative or positive? Is it going to be about hard work or laziness? The attitude you choose to have in life is going to influence everything that happens during life, so choose that ally wisely.
It is a common understanding that your attitude shapes many aspects of your life. Many people believe that a positive attitude brings about positive things, while a negative attitude brings negativity.
A positive attitude has a way of even influencing your environment, but it may not be in the way you think. Just because you have this positive attitude does not mean that everything will automatically go your way.

When you think positively you will be less likely to see the negative in things and therefore your environment will appear to change. You will probably start to notice the little things more than ever before and that will have a nice effect on you.
You will be able to start believing in yourself. It will allow you to believe that you can accomplish something if you put your mind to it. You will be able to set goals and reach them because you will believe that you can do it. You will not have that negative energy to hold you back.
A positive attitude is very influential. It will start to shape everyone and everything around you. You are going to see the great power it has almost immediately. The power of a positive attitude is anything but subtle.
With this in mind, you have to decide what it is you want from life. Do you want positive things or negative things? That is really a silly question because most people are going to quickly say they want positive things.




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Monday 2 July 2012


 Financial breakthrough

Many has been asking me of what they can do to make money for quite some time now I am going to reveal some packages whereby some rich men in Nigeria are also members like dangote, pat utomi, unilever ltd and other this has been going for quite some time now lets say it has been brought to Nigeria last year and people even me have been benefiting in one way or d other I will introduce two for now which I have enough information about them what they do
1 Avenues to wealth
2 Matalan loyalty network
They are all about networking and marketing whether online or offline and they pay well



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